Help mac install virtualbox guest additions
Help mac install virtualbox guest additions

Please make sure Bash and coreutils are the GNU variant. Please make sure the following packages are installed and thatīash coreutils dmg2img gzip unzip wget xxd Please use a package manager such as homebrew, pkgsrc, nix, or MacPorts When you run the shell file again, you may encounter the below errors.After you install the latest bash version you should edit the file and use the latest bash version (for example /usr/local/bin/bash) to replace the old bash version( /bin/bash ) in the first line of the file.

#Help mac install virtualbox guest additions how to#

  • To fix the above error, you should install the latest bash version, you can read the article How To Update Bash Version On macOS to learn more.
  • help mac install virtualbox guest additions

    path/to/5.5/zsh Explicitly type the executable path, for example for zsh: Make sure the script is not executed with the default /bin/bash Please execute this script with Bash 4.3 or higher, or zsh 5.5 or higher. (base) songs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads songzhao$. again to install the macOS on the VirtualBox virtual machine, but you may encounter the below error. (base) songs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads songzhao$ ls -l *.sh (base) songs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads songzhao$ chmod +x. (base) songs-MacBook-Pro:Downloads songzhao$ 1 songzhao staff 85093 Jan 2 10:18 to add the executable permission to the file.

    help mac install virtualbox guest additions

    After download, go to the download directory and run the command chmod +x.

    help mac install virtualbox guest additions

    Go to the page Assets section to download the file you start to install, you had better change the VirtualBox default machine folder to the folder that saves this script file, you can refer to the article How To Copy VirtualBox Virtual Machine To Another Computer.The below steps are based on macOS and Linux, if you use Windows you can go to section 2 of this article, Windows users need Cygwin to run the script.Steps To Install macOS On VirtualBox Virtual Machine Using

    Help mac install virtualbox guest additions